Thursday, 2 August 2012

Guarding the underworld

Cerberus - 4.5%
Tonight's tipple comes from Norfolk and a company called Fox Brewery.  I got given a boxed set of their beers in a nice little package to enjoy and review.

This is Cerberus, three headed guardian dog of the underworld.  It's also probably one of the least fizzy beers I've ever had.  Seriously I opened the bottle and there was hardly a noise.

It's not stale just very flat and look at that nice dark colour.  The flavour is nutty and initially very pleasant.

Sadly about halfway down things took a turn for the worse.

If you are familiar with athletes foot powder, this beer eventually tastes almost exactly as that smells.

It's a real shame as to start is was delicious and I'll always look forward to a good dark beer to topple the crown of Old Engine Oil

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