Thursday, 23 August 2012

Pay the Toll

High Street Bitter - 5.2%
I have a confession to make.  I have a membership with the National Trust.  I know, I know.  It's sandals and Thermos flasks from here on out and downhill from there.  The one benefit is that I get to go to the little shop at the end and look at the local beers they often sell there.

This is from Tollgate Brewery and I picked it on a whim.  They have been going for about 7 years in South Derbyshire.

I've been on record before saying I'm not a big bitter fan.  Go look at my comments from my home towns beer.

This is nothing like that.  It's a bitter but right at the opposite end of the scale.  A dark and rich bitter without overpowering hops and a wonderful selection of malt.  The head is surprisingly light considering the fullness of the taste.

Hunt this one down and try it for yourself.

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