Friday, 10 February 2012

From down at the river bank

Otter Ale - 4.5%
What's cuter than an otter?

Not much.

What's tastier than an Otter Beer?

Well a couple of things but don't get me wrong this I like.

Otter Brewery are based in Devon and before last Friday I had never heard of them.  They were the ale of choice at The Oak in Baginton where a few of my friends gathered to celebrate the ageing of another.  To get in I had to first pay Jasper the dog with a round of fetch before he would let me continue.  With him suitably pleased I could explore the beers.

Sadly for my collection I got no further than Otter Ale.  Delicately fruity flavours without the over hopped citrus of an IPA made this something I had to go back and try again... and again... and I think at least one more.  All I really remember after that was that I wasn't driving and the person next to me had a child seat on his lap, but no child.

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