Tuesday, 28 February 2012

The 24th February Beer

Cuvée van de Keizer Blauw - 11%
I recently found myself wanting something a little more special.  Something I would not normally buy just for myself.

Asking at the friendly local off license I was directed to Cuvée van de Keizer Blauw. It might have been purely for it's cost, an impressive £8.75, but he did claim it to be a beer with a little something more.

This is the special edition, brewed only on the 24th of February to celebrate the birth of Charles Quint who supposedly preferred beer to wine.

You can't see from the picture but it's a deep red and what you can see it's a lively fizzy drink.  Not so filled with bubble that you will be burping or bloated for the rest of the night, just a nice fizz.

The flavour is rich and sweet.  You will notice eventually the warmth coming through from the alcohol content, a surprising 11%, which doesn't blow your head off and is somewhat reminiscent of a red wine.

Grab it while you can and remember to share the bottle or be prepared to be knocked flat.

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