Tuesday, 31 January 2012

The calm before the storm

Export Stout - 7.1%
This coming Friday I have been given permission to go out and play at a pub to help a friend celebrate his birthday.  I intend to write up a little something on each of the beers I come across there.  What I'm not expecting is a great variety but I hope to be proven wrong.

To prepare myself, I've gone back to an earlier brewery which I've enjoyed but had something of a mixed bag out of.  The Kernel and his Export Stout.

It's another dark colour with a nutty smell and a full roasted flavour.  I would hesitate to call it a bad batch but I have had nicer in a similar style before.  It was lacking in a solid body to back up that roasted malt.

I'm perhaps being a touch harsh as this is an interesting beer from an always interesting brewery.  I may not enjoy everything they make but I do like their attitude to beer.

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