Tuesday, 10 January 2012

Barnstorming season

Today we go to a brewery from Bath.  Bath Ales dates all the way back to 1995 when it was founded by long time brewers with a love for craft ales.

Barnstormer - 4.5%
This was another of the Christmas beers I was given from the Sainsbury's selection.  Barnstormer which has undergone a rebrand since mine was bottled to become Barnsey.

Barnsey is a dark bitter which has a flavour similar to a stout or porter but without the heavy, thickness that so often accompanies them.

By a happy coincidence I had a pork based dinner that night and they were an especially good compliment for each other.

Again we have a beer with subtle chocolate flavours that add to the taste and don't over power it.  The bitterness is at a pleasant level and no unpleasant back of the throat after taste.

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