Wednesday, 12 October 2011

"A wheat beer from the good old days"

Now I do like a good wheat beer, and a brewery who does a good one is Erdinger.  Founded in 1886 they now make a wide selection of wheat beers providing something for everyone.

Erdinger Dunkel (Inspire)
With the chance to head to Inspire for some lunch and the promise of a drink or two in the last dying days of summer.  Erdinger Dunkel was the choice of the moment for me.

Dunkel is matured in the bottle which is claimed to give it its flavour.  Dark and rich with a full head it is very easy to drink this down.

Not overly fizzy, which I like, too much fizz leaves me burping for hours, and while I like the taste of beer going down I am not such a fan of tasting it on its return.

Credit to the staff at Inspire for recommending this one to me and indeed the one I chased it down with.....

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