Saturday, 1 October 2011

The unexpected lager - Samuel Adams

For my first beer I was after a dark porter, something I saw a friend enjoying a few days before.  But the lure of a cool lager from one of the fridges proved too much on September day that was hotter than California.

With this in mind I'd like to introduce Samuel Adams by The Boston Beer Company.

£1.60 for a 355ml bottle (Alexander Wines)
The label proclaims, "Samuel Adams is handcrafted in single batches with extraordinary care and attention to detail.  Following my great-great grandfather's recipe, we use only classic ingredients: hand-selected"

Frankly I can believe it.

I've heard about this beer repeatedly from Americans and I thought I would give them the benefit of the doubt and try it for myself.

It's a rich golden colour with a slightly creamy head.  It's a much richer flavour than the cheaper lagers you find in the pubs up and down the country (I'm looking at you Carling) far more refreshing with no bitter after taste   Perfect for a hot summers evening when you want to sit down and relax.

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