Tuesday, 27 November 2012

One more unto the breach

Porter - 5.5%
My word it's been a while hasn't it?  Where does the time go?  How have you been?  You look good.  Have you lost weight?

Anyway back to the beer.

I've been a fan of The Kernel for quite a while now.  They know how to make beers that are delicious and unpretentious.

Tonight's?  No exception.

This is their Porter.  Nothing else just Porter.  Bottle conditioned so remember to pour it slowly and steadily.  I noticed it was in a slightly larger bottle than all the ones I have seen before from them.

There is a hint of citrus to this one that I find unusual in such a heavy and thick beer.  It's viscous and your arm will get some exercise lifting it.

It does have a surprisingly bitter after taste but do not let it put you off.  The flavour is complicated but pleasant.  As ever The Kernel has not disappointed.

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