Tuesday, 19 June 2012

Craddock's Round 2

Capra - 5%

You may or may not have noticed that I haven't linked to the website for the brewery yet.  The reason is it appear that the pub they are housed in (winner of pub of the year 2011) doesn't appear to have paid their graphics designers and the website points back to the hosting company.

Craddock's has been selling around the West Midlands though I haven't seen it getting as far east as Coventry yet.  Again these fine bottles came from a friend as wedding present.

Tonight's post gym beer is Capra and to quote the bottle "Pale, lightly hopped, fruity, premium bitter".  It is also great in giving you good storage and serving instructions.  These bottles have a good amount of sediment so a single good clean pour is your friend here.

This beer is spectacular.  Not overdone on the hops nor the bubbles I find Capra to be incredibly drinkable with a great well rounded flavour.  If I find more I'm snapping it up.

Can the final Craddock's measure up?

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