Thursday, 15 December 2011

Ostriches out of Flanders

From West Flanders is a new brewery called de Struise Brouwers.  Apparently named after the ostrich farm managed by the brewers.  Rather and odd combination but then who am I to judge.  The link to their website is currently down, and I would easily believe that is because they are proving too popular to keep it up with demand.  Feel free to go take a look and let me know if you get more than an error page.

Pannepot 2010 - 10%
A Pannepot is a fishing boat and this ale is a tribute to the dark ales that they would enjoy.  Unpasteurised, unfiltered and bottle conditioned this dark rich ale has a hint of spice about it and is another of the collection of somewhat chocolate flavoured.

It is especially strong at 10% and you can just about taste it, to let you know it has some bite.  At the same time you aren't just tasting alcohol.

It seems supplies of this beer are limited so if you see it I recommend snapping one up to sample.

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