Saturday, 25 May 2013

Ska with an MO

Modus Hoperandi - 6.8%
Coventry is famous for the 2 Tone Ska music scene from the 70's.  The Specials came from here and what you might be wondering about is why am I rambling on about Coventry and Ska in a blog called Beer Experiment?

Obviously I'm talking about it because this beer is from Ska Brewing and I bought it in a shop in Coventry.  They are not based in the city, nor the country I would talk about them some more but other than they are American know nothing and their website is down.

Modus Hoperandi is an IPA that comes in cans not bottles which is unusual in the craft beer world, if exploring Beer Gonzo's shelves is any way of measuring it.

With some seriously intense hops it's a great example of how an IPA should be done.  Be prepared for a massive flavour and not for the feint of heart.  Take it from someone who would typically pick one this is worth the chance.

If you find it's not for you I doubt any IPA is.

Tuesday, 21 May 2013

Burgers and Beer

Picture yourself in a city.  Lets, for argument sake, say it's Birmingham.  You are feeling hungry and thirsty and being a discerning type you don't want just any old lager with your meal, you'd much rather have something better to drink and don't want to scrimp on the food either.

Enter the beer drinker and burger lovers delight, The Handmade Burger Company.

The food there is fantastic.  Quality ingredients, very generous portions coupled some real ales.  There is no pretension, it's all simple things made into delicious things.

Full disclosure time.  I was invited to dine here for free.  This is something I jumped at because I love burgers and it was mentioned to me that they also served some local ales.  It turns out in Birmingham this mean a couple from Purity which was a great way to start the meal, and continue the meal, and to wrap it all up.

What I need to do now is visit some of the other around the country to see what ales make it into the restaurants there.

Saturday, 18 May 2013

Fancy bottle tops

Tosca 5.2%
I remember I first saw these swing-top style bottles on Grolsch and would always want to open one even if I wasn't such a fan of the contents.  There is just something about pushing open the lid that is an exceedingly satisfying action. Plus it doesn't matter if you cant find the bottle opener.

Tosca here was found in an unassuming supermarket in Tuscany while I was stocking up on food.  I did some minimal hunting but all I could find was the distributor in Italy rather than the actual brewery.

This is a gem of a beer.  Rich malts over a crisp, almost honey like, tone.  This is perfect for a sunny afternoon or even a drizzly evening (I think Italy is sad to see me go)

There is one more beer I've had here.  I might write it up but I'm not sure.  One way or the other the southern hemisphere challenge approaches.

Saturday, 11 May 2013

Beer from an area almost indistinguishable from ivory

For the past week I've been in Tuscany right in the Chianti region.  Of course being smack in the middle of a famous wine making region I couldn't resist hunting out a few beers to see how much competition the vineyards have.
Turbone - 5.0%

Enter Turbone.

Yes that's a wolf in a hat fishing.  I'm assuming it's an amusing pun based on a wolf themed brewery, if my Latin from 18 years ago is correct.

I have a bit of a soft spot for wheat beers.  I find them refreshing like a larger but with more flavour and not as over the top as the IPA's I've run into more recently.

It's got hints of citrus fruits and a pleasant mild bitterness that doesn't overpower everything at the end of a mouthful.

I've got another couple of Italian beers chilling in the fridge so hopefully I can get onto them next. 

Saturday, 4 May 2013

A thugs game played by Gentlemen

I've long been a admirer of the game of Rugby.  Perhaps it's because it's derived from a game I dislike and created in a moment of cheating.

Not much more can be said of the town aside from that and not even this drink as Church End Brewery is in Nuneaton.

Rugby Ale - 5.0%
A strong dark and bottle conditioned ale, Rugby Ale is remarkably smooth and rich.  The cream coloured head remains in place for a frankly astonishingly long time.

On this occasion I poured it gently to keep the sediment behind and it's another success for storing beer in the cupboard under my stairs.  The flavour isn't lost with the slight chill nor being a warm drink that would be just vile.

You should certainly give this one a try if you come across it.

It's just occurred to me that I've been firmly in the Northern Hemisphere with this blog.

I'm calling everyone out now.  Name a good beer from a country south of the equator and I'll find and drink it.

Otherwise I'll drink a can of Fosters and not be held responsible.